Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Linking up (awfully late this week!) with Lisa-Jo at Five Minute Friday. This week's word is here.

"Wherever you are, be all there."
-Jim Elliot
I struggle with staying here, right where I am, wherever that is, in the moment, focused on what is right before me. My mind races to a hundred things on the to-do list, places I'd rather be, things I'd rather be doing. I have to stop and remind myself to live fully right where I am, when I'm there.
Recently, we were in a meeting on a lovely Sunday afternoon. We were learning about a wonderful ministry and ways we could potentially participate in making a small difference in someone's life. But I was tired, I wanted to be out walking the dogs in the beautiful weather which was making a long overdue appearance, we'd heard much of the presentation before, we were the only ones in the audience due to some no-shows and the speaker's voice was passionate but a bit loud in that small room with just the two of us. The excitement I'd felt for this opportunity wasn't present that day and I wondered why.
As my mind wandered and I worked hard (and successfully) to resist a glance at my watch, I forced myself to "be all there." I was in that room for a reason, even if it was yet unbeknownst to me. I'd made the commitment to be there and needed to strive to be present.
Being completely present is hard but necessary work. Focusing on the task before me or the person across from me brings me to the here and now, right where I am meant to be for that moment in time.

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