Friday, January 11, 2013

One Toe at at Time

Writing and linking up today with Five-Minute Friday.

I've never jumped off a diving board. Ever. It's rare for me to even jump off the side of a pool. I'd much rather dip my toe in, check the water temperature and then decide if I want to grab a noodle and get in the pool.

That's pretty much my nature. I'm not a diver, dreamer, risk-taker. I'm a contemplater, analyzer, safety-first kind of girl. And that's OK. Just like it's hard for divers to understand analyzers, it's hard for me to understand passionate pursuit of a project or idea without considering the risks.

Sometimes I let the analysis paralyze me and occasionally I let my inner diver take the plunge. I'll keep working to find the right balance designed just for me.

And maybe one day, I'll go ahead and jump off that diving board.


  1. I completely understand this. I'm the same way in many respects :) Hope you find the courage to plunge when the time is right. Happy Friday!

  2. Yes, Elizabeth, this is wisdom! Our Pappa God explains this so well with the analogy of a body. It takes all the parts to function! Nive meeting you at FMF. This is such a fresh look on "dive". Thank you.
    Hugs XX

  3. I love this! My son sounds more like you; my husband a passionate diver. And me? The ambassador between the two! This is a great explanation of how God does make some people and I hope I can share it with my husband. Thanks for writing.
