Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday the 14th

This Friday the 14th is Valentine's Day, which some may find as scary or distasteful as a Friday the 13th. The fact that I'm even posting something on Valentine's Day is amusing to me, given that I spent years intensely disliking (Mom says it's not nice to say "hate") the holiday and though my thinking has matured quite a bit, I still view it as a contrived holiday. But before I expound further on that topic, scenes from an early morning walk around this winter wonderland we live in.

After running moguls (in honor of the Olympics) in the more than a foot of snow in the backyard, my canine valentines have turned their attention to training for Iditarod. Go, Team Walker! Remember, pull together and listen to your leader. MUSH!

I had to stop, juggle leashes, dig my phone out of my pocket, and hope no traffic, snow plows or unfamiliar dogs would come my way when I saw this in a neighbor's yard. Even the snowmen are lying down, crying "uncle" and breaking out their beach chairs. This will make me smile all day, especially as we anticipate our next weather event which will deliver 2-5 more inches of the white stuff.

Now back to the holiday at hand. Valentine's Day isn't a huge deal around here. Oh, I've already gotten a card from the puppies and am sure there will be one from My Funny Valentine later this evening when he arrives home from work to the supper and dessert of his choice. There could even be flowers in the mix, but if not, I'm perfectly OK with that. I'm grateful that while cards, flowers and candy on a Hallmark holiday are lovely and appreciated, and make me feel special (and they do every time I receive them, especially on the "just because" days), that's only a small part of what love looks like in our marriage. I see love when Brian:
  • Runs the snow blower for the seemingly 100th time this year
  • Makes fires in the fireplace
  • Rubs my feet
  • Makes me laugh
  • Unclogs a clogged drain
  • Works hard to make sure his family is well taken care of
  • Surprises me with chocolate hidden in my desk drawer
  • Knows when to speak and when to listen
  • Does a million other things to take care of, honor and respect me
I have been blessed with a partner who is more than I could have hoped for and dreamed of and who was well worth waiting for. Love goes far beyond candy, flowers, chocolate, dinners out, and movie dates (our more typical dates are trips to the home improvement store). It takes work and commitment, and sometimes a significant amount of energy to do the next thing when you'd rather stay inside and avoid the snow or face a clogged drain when you've put in a long day at work. I'm thankful for a husband who puts me first, always.

Valentine's Day can be tough, whether or not you're in a relationship, but perhaps it can serve as a good reminder to tell the people who mean the most to us that we love them or to find the opportunity to brighten the day for someone who may be feeling lonely or sick or scared or (fill in the blank). Every day is a good day to be a valentine, to show love and kindness to people in our families, at work, in line at the grocery store, our neighbors and friends.

When my brother was a DJ at the college radio station, his daily sign-off was "tell somebody you love them." That's good advice, and because love is spoken in a million different ways, we can make every day a valentine kind of day.

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