Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fabulous February

Today I suppose you might say I'm double-dipping a little. I'm linking up with Chatting at the Sky's What I Learned in February and using it as my seventh post for Conversion Diary's seven posts in seven days challenge. February is invariably a long month for me, despite its relatively short appearance on the calendar. Despite the cold and grey and snow, it was a pretty fabulous month. This month I learned:

1. Our first grandbaby is going to be a girl. She's already captured our hearts and I'm completely convinced she will have her Pop wrapped around her tiny little finger as soon as she makes an appearance.

2. Thirty degrees on the thermometer can feel downright balmy when the polar vortex has been hanging around and just.won't.quit. Actually, I don't understand enough about the polar vortex phenomenon to know if it is a singular vortex that comes and goes or if we get a new one every time the weatherperson starts talking about it. All I know is it's been cold.

3. Cobia is a mild fish with a light lemon taste. I tried it when we went to dinner at 4:30, like early-bird grandparents who have an expiring coupon do. It was delish.

4. My neighbors pay far more attention to me walking the dogs than I realized. When I was walking them (the dogs, not the neighbors) one at a time, several  neighbors asked me where the other one was. One broke my heart when he called out, "Please tell me something didn't happen to your other dog!" I was and am pleased to report that both of our loveys are thriving. They're ready to be able to run in their yard without the icy snow remnant, but other than that, all is well.

5. Plenty of details about the life and times of Huguette Clark, the millionaire heiress who spent the last 20 years of her life living in a hospital even though there was nothing physically wrong with her. I made it all the way through Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune. I think the authors did a good job of presenting the facts and letting readers draw their own conclusions as to whether or not people took advantage of Ms. Clark's goodwill, generosity and reclusiveness.

6. Dogs have a third eyelid called  a nictitating membrane. This I learned when I hit Google after my neighbor texted me a pic of her dog and said, "Have you ever seen a dog's eye look like this?" It wasn't pretty. Poor girl.

I'm sure I'll remember other things I learned in February as soon as I hit "publish," but I'm happy to have come up with six. I hope if I do the "Things I Learned in March" link-up that I'll be able to say March came in like a lion but went out like a lamb. I know the first part is true; I'm hoping the second is as well.

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