Each time I unpack the wooden nesting Christmas trees that my friend Dona gave to me when we were in our 20s, I think of working together in our first post-college "real" jobs and all the adventures we had outside of work. Now, we keep in touch primarily through Facebook and Christmas cards, but what a joy to reconnect this year as she responded to and shared a FB request to help collect children's clothes for a family in need. It doesn't surprise me at all that she maximized social media to meet a social need. It's just the kind of thing she'd do.
Two wooden trees make up the rest of the forest. Those trees were the favors at Pam and Mike's wedding nearly 20 years ago. I remember them carving and painting those trees for weeks, maybe months, with Mike's uncle. Every time I see those cute trees, I remember the stories of that December day ... Pam's picking black velvet for my maid of honor dress as a nod to my then borderline obsession with black, getting lightheaded from the aroma of lilies in her bouquet I held while she and Mike took communion, friends making Mike sing the Barney song to get the marriage license back. What a joy to stand beside them that day.
I pulled out the decorative snowman Pam and Mike made in 1995 and put him on the front porch. He's missing his twig arms now, but what a treasure to read Pam's inscription, before Meghan was born, before Brian and I knew each other, before so much of our lives would unfold in ways we never imagined.
I love our Pier One mantel ornament that's just pretty. Also on our mantel is the madonna that my mother-in-law made years before I joined the family.
My favorite Christmas decoration is our Willow Tree nativity set. It peacefully centers my heart on the meaning of Christmas each time I look at it.
So many reflections came to mind this year during decorating, reflections that filled my heart with the joy of how blessed we are by the lives of all those God has chosen to be part of the story He is writing for us.
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