Friday, January 25, 2013


It's time for Five-Minute Friday.

It's Five-Minute Friday, again. I'm coming up empty on anything remotely interesting or profound or worth-the-keystrokes to write on "again." But still I write, because I've committed myself to writing for as many Five-Minute Fridays as I can this year. This is a small goal, but hopefully attainable. I've set lofty writing goals before and fail every time, allowing myself to be distracted by a good book or something unimportant, or work takes over, or there's a need to be met. The cadre of reasons not to write is full, but yet I know how important it is to write, to share my story. It's important for me, it may one day be important to someone reading the words I write. I know this for my life is richer through the stories of those who have been bold enough to share them.

This week one of my clients sent me resounding feedback on something I wrote. Their supervisor, a college president, called it "quite lovely." I have confidence when writing professionally, yet find that confidence elusive when telling my own stories.

So here I am again, realizing again that God has given me stories to tell and the words with which to tell them. I will keep working, keep striving, keep trying again and again to find my voice.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Linking up today with Lisa-Jo and the ladies at Five-Minute Friday.

We were watching the episode of Parenthood where Kristina shaves her head after her hairs starts to fall out as a casualty of chemotherapy. Her husband Adam tries to help by buying a wig for her, but I immediately knew that was a mistake. I turned to B and said, "If that is ever us, don't buy me a wig." Thus ensued a conversation about love and good intentions versus a woman's need to own all aspects of that particular situation.

But what struck me more throughout the episode was that I know, without a doubt, that I am cherished. B loves me for who I am, for who I am becoming, for who I was created to be. He will always find me beautiful, whether or not I have hair, whether I'm dressed for a wedding or lounging in my sweats, whether we're tackling a renovation project or enjoying dinner together at our favorite restaurant.

And though we may experience missteps along the way in how we think we're loving one another well (learning another's love language is truly a lifelong endeavor), the important thing for me to remember is that I am cherished by this partner designed especially for me.

Friday, January 11, 2013

One Toe at at Time

Writing and linking up today with Five-Minute Friday.

I've never jumped off a diving board. Ever. It's rare for me to even jump off the side of a pool. I'd much rather dip my toe in, check the water temperature and then decide if I want to grab a noodle and get in the pool.

That's pretty much my nature. I'm not a diver, dreamer, risk-taker. I'm a contemplater, analyzer, safety-first kind of girl. And that's OK. Just like it's hard for divers to understand analyzers, it's hard for me to understand passionate pursuit of a project or idea without considering the risks.

Sometimes I let the analysis paralyze me and occasionally I let my inner diver take the plunge. I'll keep working to find the right balance designed just for me.

And maybe one day, I'll go ahead and jump off that diving board.

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Opportunity

Writing and linking up today with Lisa-Jo's Five Minute Friday.

A new calendar year has begun and with it comes 365 days of opportunity. Opportunity to listen, to care, to watch, to wait, to laugh, to weep, to celebrate. I'm not one to make resolutions for the new year, primarily because I'm convinced I'll never keep them. Life is a continuum and starting points ... and starting over points ... can, do and should happen on any random day.

As I looked over the past year with its heartaches and triumphs, I simultaneously looked to the new year knowing God will present me with new opportunities. Some I know are coming, others only God knows about. At the end of this year, I will mourn lost opportunities, I will celebrate opportunities I embraced with passion and I will wonder what I missed by not listening to that still, small voice.

I pray my heart and mind will be quiet with intentional anticipation for what lies ahead.